Helloooooo readers!
Wow, was that like, an epic hiatus or what?? There has been so much going on around here that I just can't keep up with it all. But I'm excited to share it with you, one blog post at a time.
First of all, though.... did you notice anything different about my blog? It got a sweet little makeover! Er... should I say... BIG makeover. Like, I've been working day and night designing this thing for weeks. And it's still not complete. You can click around and explore, but be forewarned that a lot of my old blog links are broken. When I moved my blogger site over, all my old URLs didn't follow, so I've been tediously mapping each of them to redirect to the new page... you can imagine how fun that is. So hopefully in time everything will work 100% again (or close to it) but until then, hang in there! All the blog posts are still available, you just might not be able to get to them via the old links. And speaking of tedious URL mapping... anyone know a shortcut for how to do batch 301 redirects?? You would be my hero. Forever.
Anyway, I'm hoping new blog posts will keep my mind off all the tedious bits of making a new webpage... (I'm no web design genius, trust me, so I'm doing everything the slow-self-taught way) and overall, I'm pretty excited about the possibilities of this new site. It's gonna be awesome, folks.
In the meantime, have you seen my shop lately? I've been updating on my Facebook page, but in case you missed it, there's all kinds of great new stuff! Stickers.... calendars... new holiday cards... Black Friday sales galore! In fact, today is the last day of my Black Friday to Cyber Monday sale, so take advantage of the BOGO deals if you haven't yet!