I was prepared for an exciting all-out lazy long weekend complete with tromps in the woods and ice cream sundaes. Granted, I did treat myself to Fro Yo more than once this week (guilty), but I was anything but lazy. My shop totally blew up over the weekend with people wanting Father's Day cards, so I found myself scrambling to make prints and ship out packages every day.
Not to mention the custom orders... who would have guessed that I'd get so many requests for "personalized" versions of my original Star Wars card?
Everyone wanted a design that matched their family... one boy, one girl, two boys, three girls, etc. I was spending hours a day drawing and redrawing that card based on my buyer's suggestions. And though I got tired of drawing Darth Vader 1,000 times (and my black pencil is no more than a stub), it was actually a lot of fun to play around with the design. My favorite was the request to put in another "boy" character with Luke, so I drew Han Solo. I gotta say... putting a little Chewbacca in there with him was cracking me up. Too bad there's only one woman in the Star Wars galaxy. I had to keep drawing multiple Leias for those people who had more than one girl in their family. Damn you, George Lucas, for not putting more women in the future!

I know USPS like the back of my hand, now. Seriously. Me and the guy at the post office counter... we're tight. I've visited him every day for a week, now, with stacks of orders. He's seen me in everything from PJ pants to dress slacks (actually, that's a lie. I don't wear dress slacks.)
He calls my doodles on my packages "cute" and doesn't give me a hard time when I hand him big stacks of international customs forms and mailers. Rock on, post office. Rock on. And I'll most likely see you tomorrow, Bob. Maybe this time I'll bring you cookies.
I also managed to put up a few new listings in the shop (I've been busy!) I went with a more movie-inspired designs, including another Star Wars themed one (because I'm cool like that) and some calligraphy quotes because I just *heart* doing my own lettering. My personal favorite is the graduation card with Marty McFly on it... am I the only one who thinks it's hilarious?!

Anyway, I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who made the month of May in my shop such an awesome one. You guys make me all giggly inside, and your little notes on your orders make me smile! It's so fun knowing that my cards are finding good homes, and that there are other people out there besides me who think nerdy jokes are funny. (I would start humming the Imperial March right now, but that might be over the top...)
P.S. - Last day to order cards for Father's Day is June 8.... jump on Etsy before it's too late! ;)