Have you been decorating for the holidays? Waiting for snow? Picking out the perfect gifts for friends and family?
I've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of snow on Mt Hood (since the weather has been dark and rainy a la late-October, there's no sense in wishing for nice hiking weather, so now I'm officially wishing for stormy, snowy skiing weather) but the latest forecast has been sleety, freezing rain more than the white puffy stuff. We had some great early-season weather last year with good groomers to run and blue sky days, so here's hoping this year is just as great.
In an effort to make our apartment look more festive (and to make the snow gods smile down upon us) I whipped up a fun two-part Let it Snow print to decorate the walls!
{let it snow print}
And since it's the holidays, I want to share it with you!
This print is formatted for an 8x11 sheet of paper, so just open the photo below, save to your computer and print with the setting "scale to fit: print entire image." Then you can cut both prints down to 5x7's. (Cutting 7" down from the top and 5" in from the edges on either side will trim the print pretty close to the edge. If you want a border, you'll have to adjust your measuring.)
The image will print ever so slightly hazy, in a dreamy, awesome kind of way, of course. (I couldn't put a higher res image on here because it kept crashing my uploader...) Don't worry; it still looks lovely in a frame. :)
All I ask is to please print these for personal use only, and if you use it on your website, please link back to my blog. Thanks! :)
And since I was in a crafty mood (and in a drawing frame-of-mind...) I made some new holiday cards for the shop.
Here are the latest additions (click to see the listings):

This last one came to me as I was falling asleep the other night. I literally sat up in bed and started hollering for Tanner, who came running in from the living room thinking something was on fire.
I started yelling, "I've got it! Santa will have a big mustache and the card will say: here's some cash for your Christmas stash! Get it??"
Well, I thought it was hilarious.