Hi lovely readers! Did everyone have a good holiday season? I've missed my time away from the blog, but it was delightful to have free moments to soak up wintertime in the mountains with friends. Now that I'm back and the New Year is upon us (how are everyone's resolutions coming along?) I've been spending my free time putting some long working hours into my shop. I know it's only January, but Valentine's Day will soon be upon us, and as a shop that sells greeting cards, Valentine's Day is a big holiday for me!
My grand opening last year was actually after Valentine's Day, so this is my first big-big holiday and I'm super pumped!! December rounded out the best month I've had all year, finishing up 2012 with a bang and making me excited for the potential of 2013.
Already my shop is getting flooded with "hearts" and purchases as customers key up for the season. Making I love you cards is one of my very favorite genres, too, so I'm practically giddy with greeting-card-love lately. I've been having the best time drawing and posting new designs these past few weeks!

Other new changes are rolling along, too, behind the scenes. I learn more and more as I go along, so I've been streamlining my shipping process, adding fun new stamps and colorful tapes to my arsenal, ordering newly designed business cards, changing up my logo to look more "branded" (now my stamps, cards and shop banner look the same!), organizing my work space to make it more user-friendly, and trying to find a happy medium with shipping rates. A special perk I just rolled out is that additional card purchases don't cost anything extra in shipping, so you can purchase up to 6 cards for just $1.70, and any purchase over 4 cards is automatically upgraded with delivery confirmation! It's a great reason to stock up on your favorites.

If you missed the roll out of my new Valentines Day cards via Facebook last week, I'm going to share them with you today. There's a good dash of silly, sweet, scandalous, and (as always) slightly geeky treats for everyone. I hope you like! See them all {here.}
Happy New Year and an (early) Happy Valentine's Day! :)

P.S. - I love taking custom orders and suggestions, so if there's something you want to see, let me know! I'm currently working on a Star Wars happy birthday card at the request of a customer, so be on the lookout for that posting! It's definitely giggle-worthy.